Craig Fisk .co .uk


Pseudo Random Number Generation for Games using Typescript

Game DevelopmentTypescriptTutorials
A break down of how video games can use pseudo random number generation algorithms to consistently generate random levels using seed values
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How to remove an Event Listener without the function declaration

A quick tutorial to show how we can use AbortControllers to remove event listeners without needing to know the event listeners function declaration.
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Creating tools can speed up game development and save you from a development slump

Game DevelopmentTools
I continually procrastinated on my game development project, falling deeper and deeper into a slump, and it took some great advice and a bit of introspection to work out why and how to dig myself out again.
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What is a web component and where can I use them?

Web ComponentsMicro Front End
Back in January I gave a talk to my local tech meet up Chester Devs around the strategy i'm implementing at my Lead Engineer role @ Qa Ltd around micro front end architecture and how the web component based component library was central to that strategy.
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